1300 993 808


Where will the funds go?

Research and equipment doesn’t come cheap, nor does the manpower to administer the research. The funds raised by The Yellow Diamond Foundation will go towards the following, including support for those affected by brain cancer:

$100,000Research Assistant for a year. Full time researcher, usually B Sc graduate and have completed Honors project

$150,000Research Assistant Full time researcher, usually B Sc graduate and have completed Honors project + consumables for a year (material required for analysing tumor tissue) NB: each specimen tray of 20 samples cost $5000 in consumables

$200,000Postdoctoral Fellow + consumables for a year Postdoctoral Scientist PhD graduate. Involved in executing projects designed by lab heads / clinicians. As they become more senior they may develop projects and involve themselves in attaining grants, writing papers etc.

$300,000PhD student including consumables for 3 years Full time researcher, usually B Sc graduate and have completed Honors project. Enrolled in PhD (3-5 year degree)

$100,000Specialist Equipment

$145,000For a care coordinator / nurse for after care of patients and families.
